Friday, July 27, 2012

Severe Dry Eye: A Serious Problem

A recent study by Harris Interactive suggests that as much as 48% of US adults suffer from dry eye symptoms. While many of the adult sufferers only have mild cases of this eye condition, a small yet significant proportion of the population suffers from severe/chronic dry eye. Clinical studies have shown that, depending on the severity of the eye disease, some treatment will work better or worse than others. While regular eye drop may be a good solution for someone suffering from a mild case of dry eye, for those who have severe dry eye symptoms, each and every day can be a struggle.

When a mild case of dry eye is left untreated, it will worsen and lead to serious problems later on. Vision lost, corneal infection and scarring are just some of the conditions that could develop. Certain types of medication, such as birth control pills and specific kinds of antidepressant, can also cause severe dry eye. Occasionally, other diseases may be the root of the problem. Conjunctivities, Rheumatoid Arthritis,  Lupus, and Sjogren’s syndrome can all cause severe dry eye symptoms.

Severe/chronic dry eye can seriously affect sufferer’s daily quality of life. While people who have a mild case of the condition often report only a slight pain near the eye area, severe dry eye sufferers may be plagued by blurred vision, itchiness, and sensitivity to light. They may have trouble keeping their eyes open if their conditions are very bad. In such cases, sufferers will be unable to participate in many activities we often taken for granted.

People who suffer from severe/chronic dry eye have often tried conventional eye drops and found them to be ineffective. Furthermore, their routine can not be as simple as lubricate their eyes frequently. Our tears, on top of lubrication, protect us against bacteria and dust. People with chronic dry eye often need to manually clean their eyes to maintain proper eye health. In addition, because environmental factors often play an important role in the severity of the condition, constant, day-to-day management of the disease may become necessary. Fortunately, there are many tools currently out on the market that can make this easier. OCuSOFT has lines of product that specifically deal with the more complex dry eye cases. MedOp manufactures dietary supplement that can improve overall eye health. Many other options exist. Severe dry eye does not have to bring you down and with a little help, a comfortable life is possible. You can find more dry eye and low vision tips here.

Friday, July 20, 2012

CCTVs: The Future of Low Vision Technology

One of the more recent advancements in low vision assistive technology has been Close Circuit Television, also known as CCTV or reading machines. These electronic visual aids work by using video cameras to capture real time images of nearby items and project them onto a monitor. The user can then manipulate the size, color, and various other attributes of the image for greater visibility. People who suffer from vision impairment can use CCTVs to read newspapers, write checks, and engage in all sorts of activities that their low vision would normally prevent.
There are many different types of CCTV currently on the market and they all offer their own advantages. Free-standing units, also called desktop systems, function by magnifying any object that is placed under its video camera platform and then project images onto either the attached monitor or a separate screen. Portable CCTVs can be plugged into any television and are most suited for viewing objects that are some distance away. Head-worn CCTVs work by rolling the  included mouse-like device across the material to be read and viewing the resulting image in a pair of goggles one can wear. Video magnifier CCTVs combine camera, light source, and screen into one small portable unit. CCTVs can help those whose low vision is too severe to be helped by more traditional methods of reading glasses or magnifiers. They provide a higher level of magnification, greater contrast enhancement, and a vastly more comfortable user experience than do other low vision technology alternatives.

The Flick camera by Sight Enhancement is a revolutionary new kind of CCTV. It combines the strengths of portable CCTV and video magnifier to create the “first portable, immersive, one camera system”! The system can be used for both distance and near viewing, making it an irreplaceable assistant in home, office, and school.  The Flick is compatible with any Windows system and supports touch screen technology so you can use it in conjunction with the tablet of your choice. There is no longer any need to carry a bulky screen where ever you go. Instead, the Flick is discreet and light enough to fit alongside your regular laptop for on-the-go magnification. Furthermore, the Flick can auto adjust between its near and distance setting so you will never have to manually adjust the lens and miss any important action. For more about the Flick camera and a list of distributors, please check out our website. Financial aid might be available for the purchase of a CCTV for those who are legally blind from the Assistive Technology Fund operated by Association of Blind Citizens. Happy viewing!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Contact Lenses for Dry Eye Sufferers

Too many contact lens wearers today are avoiding conversations about dry eye symptoms with their eye doctors for fear that they will be told they cannot wear contacts anymore. You should be aware that there are many solutions out there for the dry eye contact lens wearer, and that having these conversations will be crucial to your comfort. Sometimes all it takes to drastically improve you situation is to switch the type of lens you wear, your lens cleaning routine, or even just to supplement with some general dry eye solutions. 

Are You Wearing the Right Lenses?

The first question you need to address is whether or not you are wearing the right lenses. For the most part, there aren’t currently any lenses specifically engineered for the dry eye patient. However, some options are certainly better than others. 

Be attuned to the varying water content contained in different types of soft lenses. Most lenses are between 38 and 79 percent water. Dry eye patients often assume that they should select contacts high in water content, however lower-water-content lenses are actually a much better choice for dry eye sufferers. The problem with higher-water-content lenses is that they are susceptible to losing much of their water content in the presence of different environmental factors. In addition, high-water-content lenses may even draw moisture from your eyes in order to stay hydrated, which clearly will only further increase your dryness.

Silicone hydrogel lenses are often a good choice for the dry eye patient because they are generally low in water content. In addition, they boast high levels of oxygen permeability, which makes them good for your cornea. Also ask your doctor about Proclear lenses by CooperVision Inc. These lenses have been FDA approved to advertise that they "may provide improved comfort for contact lens wearers who experience mild discomfort or symptoms relating to dryness during lens wear." Extreme H2O lenses, too, are now claiming to be useful in relieving dry eye discomfort.

Could Your Cleaning Routine Be an Issue?
Many contact wearers do not realize the impact that certain contact cleaning and disinfectant products can have on their lenses. The truth is that not all cleaning products are compatible with all lenses. Silicone hydrogel lenses especially, which as mentioned above are a great option for the dry eye patient, become much less comfortable when used in conjunction with many of the common cleaning solutions out there. 
Also be wary of multipurpose solutions. While such solutions make life easier by minimizing the number of solution bottles you need to keep track of, they often contain preservatives. While this isn’t an issue for everyone, certain users can develop intolerance to specific preservatives and the eye’s reaction is often increased dryness. 

Get Talking

Don’t be afraid to discuss your symptoms with your ECP. If you don’t speak up, your doctor will not be able to prescribe the best lenses for you. Once you find the right lenses and the best complimentary cleaning routine for them, your dry eye issues should lessen. If you’re suffering, your ECP can certainly recommend other changes to your daily routine that might help too. Check out our "Beat Your Dry Eye This Summer" blog for ideas on how you can relieve your symptoms now.

For more information, check us out on facebook and twitter.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Low Vision and Sunglasses

Fit Over Sunglasses
Summer is a wonderful time to be outside and enjoy the abundance nature has to offer. For low vision sufferers, however, summer sun can be a relentless foe that casts a shadow over outdoor activities. Luckily, there are measures you can take to have fun in the sun even if low vision is a problem for you. The first step you will need to take will involve investing in a quality pair of speciality sunglasses. 

Why are sunglasses necessary? There are many reasons but the most important one is that you need to be protected from Ultra Violet light. Both UV-A and UV-B can damage your eyelid, cornea, lens and retina. This will be especially problematic for people who are already suffering from Macular Degeneration and other forms of eye disease. Further more, dry winds and dust particles can dry out and irritate the eye, making the situation even more unpleasant (for more on combating dry eye in the summer months, check out our "Beat Your Dry Eye This Summer" post.. By identifying the right style of sunglasses, you can combat these potential issues and enjoy your time outside. Wrap around and fits over styles of sunglasses are both good choices for the visually impaired. Wrap around sunglasses prevent debris from entering the eye through the peripheral. Fit over sunglasses can be worn over prescription glasses for easy use.

If you suffer from low vision or other form of visual impairment, there are some additional details you should consider when shopping for sunglasses. Look for polarized lenses. Since sensitivity to glare is a common symptom of Macular Degeneration, polarized lenses can help improve your vision and reduce eye fatigue. Also consider lens quality. People who suffer from Macular Degeneration often have trouble with sharp, detailed vision. Higher quality lens will be clearer than those made from inferior materials. Lens color is also something to think about when shopping for sunglasses. Orange, amber, or yellow lenses can help block the especially harmful blue light waves and enhance contrast and depth perception. Keep in mind, however, that such sunglasses should not be used while driving since they increase color distortion.

All in all, vision issues should not stop anyone from enjoying the great outdoors and specialized sunglasses can prove to be a wonderful tool. Happy vision!

For more tips about living with low vision and other optical issues, check us out on facebook and twitter. Also, find product information on our look4optical directory.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dry Eye and Pregnancy

Dry eye can be a big problem for many pregnant women. A recent study published in the November 2011 issue of Molecular Vision, a peer-reviewed academic journal, found that pregnant rabbits often exhibit typical clinical symptoms of dry eye. Changes in your eye condition can be the result of any number of things, from hormone fluctuation to alteration in blood circulations. Water retention, for example, can cause the thickness and curvature of your cornea to change. As a result, your contact lenses may no longer fit as well as before. Existing dry eye conditions may take a turn for the worse as the oil glands that produce lipids to lubricate the eyes become blocked. People who have never experienced dry eye before may now find themselves needing extra help as well. The end of pregnancy may not bring relief either as hormonal changes will often take several months to disappear.

So how can you find dry eye relief during pregnancy? Eye drops may be a solution. Many over the counter formulas contain no active ingredients and are therefore safe to use. Prescription only eye drops, however, should be used with caution. While most of the medications in eye drops stay in or near the eye, small amounts can be absorbed into the body’s bloodstream through the mucous membranes lining the surface of the eye, the tear drainage system, and the nose. You should consult your doctor before using any of your regular prescription eye medicines during pregnancy. Outside of eye drops, there are some home remedies that can help to relieve the symptoms of dry eye during pregnancy. A hot compress can open up blocked oil glands and provide temporary relief. Wearing eyeglasses instead of contacts and taking regular breaks while using the computer are some other easy steps that will improve your eye condition. Talk with your doctor about any measure you are planning to take and happy eye health!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Beat Your Dry Eye This Summer

Regardless of whether you’re spending most of your time outdoors enjoying the nice weather, inside escaping the heat, or travelling, you will likely find that summertime can pose increased challenges for the dry eye sufferer. Become aware of what is causing your symptoms so that you can plan ahead to prevent, or at least treat, your dry eye effectively.

Summer weather draws many of us outside. While some locations are quite humid in the summer, providing dry eye relief, other areas become increasingly dry in the summer. If you live in a dry environment, avoid excessive time outside or take steps to treat your aggravated dry eye. Consider investing in a pair of EyeEco’s Tranquileyes. These soft, flexible goggles create a warm and humid environment around the eyes in order to help stimulate tear production and slow the evaporation of tears.

Even if you do not find yourself in a dry environment, be aware of the drying effects of the sun and wind and be sure to wear proper eye protection outside. In addition to investing in a cool pair of shades, consider the possibility that allergies might be a source of your dry eye. If allergies are a culprit, you need to treat this problem in addition to your dry eye symptoms in order to find lasting relief.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that retreating indoors will solve your problems either. Air conditioning and ceiling fans create low-humidity environments, which irritate dry eye. Summer travelers especially should take note as airplane cabins range from humidity levels of 5-35%. This means the air in an airplane is about as dry as the air during winter in a heated home! Again, EyeEco’s Tranquileyes can help ease your dry eye when lack of humidity is an issue. In addition, consider investing in an air humidifier and turn your ceiling fans off as much as possible (or to a reverse rotation setting so that they will blow air up instead of down and into your eyes).
You can also fight dry eye by drinking plenty of water, eating right, and taking proper supplements with vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids. MedOp offers a formula called MaxiTears that can help improve your tear quality.

Summer should and can be a fun time, even for the dry eye sufferer. As long as you stay aware of dry eye causes and treat your symptoms in a timely manner, you should be able to find the relief you need in order to enjoy the summer months.

Find more information on dry eye and treatment options at our look4optical facebook.